The DUNGS Gas MultiBloc integratesfilter, regulator, valves and pressure switches in one compact fitting.
-Dirt trap: microfilter - One regulator and two main valves: B01 - Two valves are fast opening - One valve is fast opening, one valve is slow opening
- Solenoidvalvesupto 200mbar(20kPa) as per DIN EN 161 Class A Group 2
- Sensitive setting of output pressure
by proportional regulator as per DIN EN 88 Class A Group 2
- High flow rates with low pressure drop
- DCsolenoiddriveinterferencedegreeN
- Main volume restrictor at valveV2
- Hydraulic opening delay
-Flangeconnectionswithpipethreadsas per ISO 7/1
- Simple mounting, compact, lightThe modular system permits individual solutions by
using external ignition gas tap in connection with separately controlled valves, by adding a valve proving system, mini/maxipressureswitches,pressurelimiters, partial volume setting by closing stroke limiterat valveV2andregulator blocking for
liquid gas applications